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Services for Children, Young People & Families

Finding the right support for your family when you need it most is really important so you can feel empowered, informed and able to move forward.


In this section find out more and book services for you or your children and young people.  Here you'll learn about benefits of Thrive from birth to 25 years, parent coaching and our family support offers.  Then check out our FAQs to find out more about home visits or maybe read an article or two about child development, ideas for activities at home and more...

Family Walking
Image by Michał Parzuchowski


We offer the Thrive Approach in two methods, one to one in the family home/at our offices or via school/college based sponsorship. Working with early years, primary and secondary age children.

Thrive helps children and young people to feel good about themselves and know they matter, increase emotional wellbeing and boost resilience.

Image by Markus Spiske

Parent Coaching

Parent Coaching supports and benefits any parent, step parent, carer, grandparent who is navigating their child's needs.  A strengths based approach to parental education and empowerment, building confidence, knowledge, resilience and focus.

Coaching helps an individual to look at areas they wish to grow into and identifies steps and approaches to help this become reality.

Family Portrait

Non-Violent Resistance

Non-Violent Resistance (NVR) is a therapeutic model that understands and addresses the parenting of children with challenging behaviours, working to change the way a parent addresses behaviour rather than trying to change the child’s behaviour.


It is about connection rather than correction.

Image by Nathan Dumlao

Intensive Family Support

Intensive Family Support has no age focus, we provide practical support to the whole family and might cover parenting skills, improving emotional well being, SEN and LD support, help to find work or housing, managing money and debt, cooking or wellbeing.

Generally we work from your home or our centre weekly for a period of 12 weeks.


Image by Tim Mossholder

Positive Parenting Course

Teaching parents and carers the most effective, positive way to communicate, showing you the ways to make the most impact with your parenting and how to connect with your children and young people.  Chock full of tools and ideas to help your home environment and family thrive.

Stressed Woman

Stress Reduction for Parents Course

A Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for parents, carers, grandparents - anyone in the role of parent or carer.  A six week course which takes you through reducing stress and understanding the harmful effects of stress on our physical and emotional well being, practices to share to reduce stress in our family home and improving emotional regulation.

Book Now

To book any of the services above, simply click below and enter your details. We will contact you and get your account opened so you can access our online booking for your ease and flexibility.

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