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Look up, look up!


Inspired by the Mums in Business Association January challenge #mibaigchallenge, I'm tackling day three head on. Having procrastinated for days over my first blog post (eeeek!) then trying to relay a story relating to today's topic - #newstart - it felt easiest to just write about it here.

New start sums up my 2019 - reflecting on 2018 I could not have PREDICTED where it would end up - from a secure ten year job with prospects - to another equally secure job with prospects and great visibility - all supporting my self perceived purpose - to make changes for children and young people to have better opportunities, care and support and above all - a bleeping great life!

HOWEVER! It felt wrong, the role wasn't my fit, expectations are an interesting thing, your values, integrity, how you manage challenge, what value you place upon family, being accountable for your own decisions. So I took a leap - because you can't get the satisfaction of the climb if you don't jump first right?

How do you keep that precision focus on the fact you CAN do it? Keep those limiting thoughts at bay, work smarter in the time you have, keep that end goal in sight and align basically every ounce of energy into an improved work life balance and sense of purpose. I can't begin to describe how different I feel knowing I am working on something bigger than me, bigger than you, just the impact is limitless. We work so hard into ensuring we understand the outcome of every single penny, every step we take, we forget to look up. LOOK UP! You have no idea what's up there - I looked! I bleeping looked!

I looked up - amazing what you see sometimes!
Shoreditch - summer 2018

So, new start. I am super excited to be taking my coaching, mentoring and consulting out into the world, I have developed some great workshops to help others look up and look out (winner winner chicken dinner is my personal favourite), building on my theory and reading, I've developed some great content around commercialising services, being a great brand, well known to influence, change and work at anexcrutiatingpaceofspeedwhichterrifiessomepeople!!

I am LOVING the support and connections I have found from other women in business - you are truly inspirational and if ever you guys need a reminder of values, integrity and downright FOCUS then spend some time with women juggling self employment, family and well-being - ER-MAY-ZING.

It would be wrong not to mention the months of self reflection, the hours spent with people who know me OH SO WELL turning over options, expectations and being a challenge and a support, which just embeds my FOCUS on my business #chesilinfinity- I want to be that person for others (but I do need to remember I'm not supposed to do it ALL for free - meh!)

This year is going to be a good one, you just watch! Or better still, connect and lets do it together!

Spotted on a wall in London - amazing what you see when you look up and out.
Together we can - London 2018


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